The company owns about 600 olive trees, from which is obtained an unfiltered olive oil, characterized by extremely low acidity and intense green color.
Our olive oil compared to the other Tuscan ones can be differentiated thanks to the location of the olive trees, located in an area between 600 and 750 meters above sea level, which allows the trees not to be attacked by the oleaginous fly, which in addition to destroy productions, oblige farmers to use chemicals to prevent propagation.
Our production area does not allow the fly to develop due to low winter temperatures and lack of moisture.
The combination of these factors allows us to have an olive oil free of treatments.
The olives are harvested entirely by hand, and delivered to the local oil mill for processing on the same harvest day.
The olive cultivation allows us to direct our resources, complementing the cultivation of the Giaggiolo, which takes place in the Summer season.